
In my project about the future of love I have focused on the pressure to be in a relationship. In Norway we have a lot of hidden rules telling us how to act in different situations. These rules also apply to our love life, and especially to our romantic relationships. It seems like there is one golden standard of how a relationship should be, and if yours isn´t like that – you are doing something wrong. This norm that is called the couple-norm and is what I have been researching in this project. The tighter this norm is pulled around us and the closer it is, the more it limits different ways of love.

The product of this project is the lamp you see in the movie, an object meant to comment on the way the couple-norm is limiting us. The ring represents couple norm, so the tighter it is pulled down and the closer it is, the smaller the light becomes. It will only hit a few specific people, and many will stand outside it looking in. But if we pull the ring further away from us it opens, and more people will stand in the light and be included. In the same way I believe that if we get aware of the couple-norm and take a step away from it, more ways of love can be seen and accepted - in the same way as the heterosexual cohabiting couple-form.


From life comes life


no.1 chair